Monday, April 30, 2012

God answered my prayer tonight...

My cousin used to tell me that Android's weather forecast is kinda accurate. Predicted tonight will have crazy thunderstorm.

But tonight, was my last day seeing him, and we just dont know when i will have this chance to go out with him, like tonight, sitting at high benches, looking out to the dark sea with minimum lights, with some jazz music and no conversation. I really have enjoyed the time.

Is even lovelier when i get to get what i wanted from him, a BIG hug, just the two of us. Hugged. Cried. Wished. And kissed on forehead and cheek. It was never so comforting. It is really comforting to get what i wanted, and also to be in his hug, honestly. All his words for me, until now, is still ringing by my ears. It was just awesome that moment. But still, we just afraid to go on further.

Maybe both also fear that we might give each other hope that pulls each other from progressing, because both were uncertain of the future. Dare not to give any empty promises.

I can only say, I will truly miss all the time when you turn up for every mess that i am in, and also be there when i really needed someone to stand strong for me. I really hope time had not ticked off that fast..

Tonight was simply a night to remember personally...Im gonna miss you hard enough, Vince...

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